Course Descriptions
FPT 211 - Fire Investigation: Cause and Origin
3 Credits
A broad study of fire investigation is presented. The means to identify the origin and cause of a fire, properly conduct a fire scene investigation, and understand arson laws are emphasized. Topics include fire behavior, determining point of origin, ignition sources, fire scene investigation, and legal aspects of the discipline.
Prerequisite: FPT 101 and FPT 103.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Apply the Fire Investigation Scientific Methodology to accurately determine the cause of a fire.
2. Apply the Fire Investigation Scientific Methodology to accurately determine the origin of a fire.
3. Identify motives for starting a fire.
4. Identify the proper techniques for data and evidence collection.
5. Prepare an arson case for trial.
6. Examine the New York State Penal Law to determine if an arson crime has been committed.
7. Apply NFPA 921 as a reference for a fire investigation.
Course Offered Fall
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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025