Course Descriptions
DEN 124 - Dental Hygiene II
2 Credit
This course continues to build knowledge for dental hygiene care, treatment planning, and case management.
Prerequisite(s): DEN 110, DEN 111, DEN 112, DEN 113, DEN 114 AND DEN 115, all with a minimum grade of C in each.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Identify professional and ethical behavior as it pertains to the treatment of clients.
2 Develop a treatment plan for clients after analyzing client data and individual needs for various client populations.
3. Identify clients with special needs
4. List techniques that improve care for various populations.
5. Describe the use of various dental devices.
6. Describe the use of pain-control methods.
7. Demonstrate dental instrument maintenance.
8. Recognize cultural influences impacting delivery of health services to individuals and communities.
9. Use interprofessional communication, collaboration and interaction with other members of the health care team to support comprehensive patient care.
Course Offered Spring
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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025