Course Descriptions
MIS 209 - Systems Analysis and Design
3 Credits
A study of the skills required to perform the role of systems analyst. Emphasis will be placed on developing these systems analyst skills as they apply to the designing, developing and implementing business application software that runs on large mainframe to client-server systems. Topics include: project management tools, sampling and investigating hard data, questionnaires, observations, prototyping, developing UML diagrams to graphically depict a system, developing process specifications, designing effective input and output, developing an E-Commerce based business, database design with normalization, and designing effective user interfaces. Students are expected to work on a team project during the entire semester to develop and present a system proposal to the class.
Prerequisite(s): CSC 101 or MIS 200 (formerly CIS 200) with a grade of C or higher.
MCC General Education: MCC-SCI - Scientific Reasoning (MSCI)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Define and use common System Analysis and Design fundamental terminology.
2. Utilize current Analysis and Design tools to graphically characterize processes and flows in a business system.
3. Design and create effective Input/Output including Web pages/forms.
4. Design Logical Databases.
5. Demonstrate the technical and communication skills required for developing a Systems Proposal.
Course Offered Spring
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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
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