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Course Descriptions

BIO 202 - Microbiology

4 Credits

A one term course for health professionals. A brief introduction to principles of general microbiology with major emphasis on control of microorganisms by physical and chemical processes. Medical microbiology including pathogenicity and epidemiology of infectious diseases, and immunology.

Prerequisites: BIO 134 or BIO 143 or BIO 144 or BIO 155 or permission of instructor.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate knowledge and laboratory skills in microscopy, aseptic technique, control of microbial growth and microbial identification.
2. Describe and demonstrate an understanding of the functions of a prokaryotic cell and its parts
3. Describe and demonstrate an understanding of the prokaryotic metabolic functions, virulence factors and adaptations for survival.
4. Describe and demonstrate an understanding of host mechanisms for fighting microbial infections
5. Describe and demonstrate an understanding of microbial diseases including the symptoms, etiology, transmission and the body systems they affect.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025