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Course Descriptions

ELT 201 - Linear Systems

4 Credits

A study of linear amplifier and filter circuits. Course topics include small-signal and power amplifiers using bipolar, field-effect transistors and integrated circuits. Frequency response of amplifiers and filters using Bode plots are studied along with the use of negative feedback in systems. Students build, test and troubleshoot amplifier circuits using popular test equipment in the laboratory. The computer (Multisym) is used to analyze single and multistage amplifiers and filters.

Prerequisites: ELT 102 and ELT 112 with a grade of C- or better.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Recognize and evaluate the performance of single- and multistage small signal and power amplifiers that use discrete bipolar and field-effect transistors. This is performed using basic circuit analysis tools and access to performance evaluation equations.
2. Determine the upper and lower frequency response of bipolar and field-effect amplifiers. The student is able to use decibels and Miller's theorem and be able to read and draw Bode Magnitude and Phase plots of amplifiers.
3. Explain the general operation of differential amplifiers and op-amps. The student can show how different methods of negative feedback is used to make the op amp circuit function correctly in a wide assortment of applications.
4. Build, test, and troubleshoot a multi-stage amplifier and clearly demonstrate that predetermined design specifications are being met.
5. Effectively use analog and digital oscilloscopes, function generators, power supplies and other test equipment to accurately measure and interpret the functioning of electronic circuitry.
6. Document all facets of a semester-long laboratory project in a standard engineering notebook in an organized, readable manner. The student can write formal laboratory reports based upon teamwork completion of laboratory experiments.

Course Offered Fall

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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025