Course Descriptions
BIO 265 - Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
4 Credits
A study of vertebrate structure, function and evolution. Relationships between the structural and functional adaptations of the different vertebrate groups and their environment are examined. The laboratory features dissections and experiments that illustrate these adaptations in both aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates.
Prerequisite: BIO 156 with a grade of C- or better, or permission of instructor.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of vertebrates and what makes both chordates and vertebrates unique among animals.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the evolutionary history of vertebrates and the evolutionary relationships among different groups of vertebrates.
3. Compare and contrast the many physiological, ecological, and behavioral adaptations of the different groups of vertebrates
4. Compare and contrast the external anatomy, skeletal features, and internal organ systems of the different groups of vertebrates.
5. Observe and discuss field and laboratory techniques used in the study of vertebrates.
Course Offered Spring
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Fall Semester 2025
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Summer Session 2025