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Course Descriptions

ACD 142 - Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency and the Family System

3 Credits

Provides students with the pertinent education and training related to issues and information specific to the effects of alcohol and other drug abuse/dependency on the family system and the community, including, but not limited to, physical, developmental, psychological, cultural and sociological implications. Case management, methods of assessment, therapeutic treatment techniques and resources within the community will be addressed.

Carries MCC college credit and 45 hours N.Y.S. OASAS-approved credit.

Prerequisite: ACD 140 with a grade C or higher or taken concurrently.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Examine how alcoholism/chemical dependency influences the family system which could include generational, physical, psychological, or sociological implications.
2. Describe how the family system affects individual assessment, treatment or therapy.
3. Explain appropriate family support aids for families and adult children of those families.
4. Discuss ethical and professional principles for working with families.
5. Explain the implications of substance abuse for children of addictive families, which may include the need for individual therapy and future therapeutic considerations.
6. Discuss the process of addiction as it relates to the family.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025